Be blessed, not stressed.

Full blog topic this week was NOT going to be on gratitude. However, my two best friend's just got engaged, my parents are in town for a month, and I am truly blessed with a wonderful girlfriend and friends who feel like family. So you know what? This week I'm saying thank you.. Now... Continue Reading →

Shit. Writer’s Block.

Let me set the mood. It's the end of the month and I work in sales. If that didn't send a chill down your spine already, then you didn't major in business. Anyways...I'm chasing a quota. On top of that, I have to finish moving my shit from one apartment to another. Then there's the... Continue Reading →

I am Ashley F*ckin Weissmann

This week's blog is all about that SELF LOVE. A concept that's easier said than done. Although I am now someone who loves themselves through and through, that was not always the case. I've been cheated on.. and blamed myself. I've compared myself to "the other girl" and wondered what she had that I didn't.... Continue Reading →

The wake up call I never wanted.

For those of you who are just joining us, welcome! Feel free to catch up by reading last week's blog here. Last week we focused on accountability, which if you ask me, is just a word to describe the act of putting yourself first. That's all it is...loving yourself enough to not let your goals be pushed... Continue Reading →

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